B.O.S.S. - Your BADASS Onboarding System, Simplified.


A Step-by-step mini course to help you seamlessly convert clients without phone tag, emailing back and forth, and losing your damn mind


If I know anything about you, it's that you HATE talking on the phone.

On one hand, you want your phone to ring more.

After all, more calls = more clients.

But when your phone rings and you don't recognize the number, you sometimes dread answering it.

Don't even get me started on that shitshow of an email system.

You're going back and forth with new and current clients all day long, scheduling and rescheduling, answering the same 4 questions, and losing money in the process (since none of that shit is billable).

Whether you're busy, tired, or just hate the whole "sales pitch" part of practice-building, calling and emailing sucks the life out of you.

And yet, the only way to get new clients in the door is to talk to them on the phone or email back and forth.

If only there was a better way to get new clients in the door without having to play phone or email tag all the damn time.

I totally get it.

In the beginning, I had all the time in the world to call and email back and forth with prospective clients.

If I was being honest, all of that unnecessary back and forth actually made me feel productive during days I didn't have many clients (if any) coming in. I used my paper planner for scheduling and resisted paying for an Electronic Health Record (EHR).

Once my practice started to take off, I became overwhelmed with my endless to-do list.

On top of keeping up with notes, treatment plans, and rescheduling appointments, I also had to call people back and email back and forth with prospective clients.

It was all so freaking exhausting.

I finally decided to buy an EHR to help my practice run more smoothly, and after a lot of research, I decided to use SimplePractice.

Investing in an EHR was a complete gamechanger for my practice. 

On top of all the amazing things I could do (like create custom note templates and send appointment reminders), I realized that I could also customize my client onboarding system so that prospective clients could schedule their own consultations without ever having to call or email me.

**Mind. BLOWN.**

I started sharing my client onboarding system in my signature program, Your BADASS® Therapy Practice.

And my students went bananas.

I knew I was onto something...

The tipping point for me recently was when I tried to find my own therapist.

I called 3 therapists and not a single one called me back.

I emailed 2 others and didn't hear back from either of them for DAYS.

I was furious.

I could only imagine what it must feel like for prospective clients who don't understand the busy life of a therapist. A client who's in pain, and who finally has the courage to reach out and never gets a call back.

It was then that I decided to share my client onboarding system with therapists outside of my signature program.

I'm dedicated to helping you free up time on your already overbooked calendar, ditch the phone/email tag game, and automate your practice so that you can add massive value to your clients.

After all, your client onboarding system is one of the most important parts of your business.

I'm Laura Long, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and creator of Your Badass Therapy Practice. I was tired of hearing the same shitty advice that's handed out to therapists who are struggling to grow their private practices, so I decided to start creating content to dispel the myth that you have to lose your mind in order to gain clients. Turns out, I knew some things that other coaches didn't. And now I want to share it with you.

Imagine this.

  • You're kicking ass in a session with an ideal client, and when the session is over you check your phone to see a new consultation request that you didn't have to spend any time hustling for.
  • You're taking a much-needed vacation and you return back home to 3 new consultation requests. With the click of a button, they're all confirmed and you didn't have to call or email anyone back.
  • Someone emails you to ask if you take their insurance, and your email autoresponder sends them directly to your client portal, where they can get their most important questions answered without you having to go back and forth with them about why you don't take insurance.
  • No more uncomfortable conversations about your fees or the fact that you only work during the day because every prospective client knows the deal before you ever have to talk to them.

No more trying to sell yourself, because your BADASS® Onboarding system does it all for you.

Sounds pretty dreamy, doesn't it?

B.O.S.S. takes the guesswork out of consultations.

You get to run your practice the way you want while delivering massive value to prospective clients who don't want to spend days waiting for you to get back with them.

It's a WIN:WIN.

Using SimplePractice as my preferred EHR for solo practitioners, this self-paced mini-course will walk you step-by-step through my entire client onboarding system so that you never have to play phone or email tag ever again.

There are a number of video walkthroughs, worksheets, scripts, templates, and an entire section dedicated to helping you troubleshoot common issues that come up when trying to set up the system.

Program Testimonials

"This course made it so simple to tie together Simple Practice and connecting with prospective clients. I feel like I can breathe a whole lot better now!"

Mary Ellen KundratPivotal Moments Therapy

"This course has made things much easier and it feels more professional."

Emilie FerranStafford Holistic Counseling

"LOVED it! It was super helpful and Im frickin' pumped to not be on the phone as much!"


“I own a group practice and the B.O.S.S. program was easy to follow and implement. Now potential clients can have a phone consultation with any of our clinicians, and we can screen potential clients to ensure a good match based on therapeutic needs and availability. Now my days off aren’t spent playing phone tag with potential clients!”

Jennifer LiuCincinnati Counseling and Play Therapy


EnrollĀ now using coupon code BADASSENDING for 50% off

$197 $98.50


Still have questions?

Shoot me an email at [email protected] and I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about the course.